What Happens If I Miss a Dose?

Missing a dose of buprenorphine or methadone can happen, especially if you are newly starting treatment, but don’t panic. Accidentally skipping one dose during opioid addiction treatment is okay if you connect with your clinic immediately upon remembering. Your clinic can advise you on whether you should promptly take the missed amount or wait because you are too close to your next dose.

Will a Missed Dose Lessen the Medication’s Effects?

If you skip a dose, buprenorphine and methadone will still be effective. While it is recommended that one tablet be taken per day to be most effective, the medication will work well either way.

Buprenorphine and methadone are long-acting medications that will remain in the body for 24 to 36 hours. In the past, they were prescribed to individuals every other day but have since changed to a daily dose.

Should Two Doses Be Taken at the Same Time?

You can miss a dose of buprenorphine and methadone, but taking two at a time is not recommended. These drugs have a “ceiling effect,” meaning they will no longer be effective after reaching a certain therapeutic threshold. You won’t likely suffer effects from taking too much at once, but taking two at a time will be wasting a dose.

What Happens If I Miss Multiple Days?

Missing multiple doses in a row increases your likelihood of feeling sick or experiencing withdrawal. Opioid addiction treatments like buprenorphine and methadone are partial opioid agonists. They stimulate opioid receptors in the brain and act similarly to opioids without harsh effects. Stopping abruptly or missing multiple days will cause your body to crave more, as it has become used to the medication.

tips to remember medication

Tips for Remembering Your Medication

Relying on your memory for taking medication can be challenging. Try some of the following tips to create a daily routine to help you remember:

  • Set an alarm: Setting a notice for the same time each day will alert you to take your medication.
  • Work it into your established routine: Pairing your medication with something you do daily can act as a reminder. For example, place your medication beside the coffee pot to grab with your morning cup, or set it on your placemat to take with dinner each evening.
  • Use a pill box: Organizing your medication by day at the beginning of each week can create an intention for taking it.

Contact Health Care Resource Centers Today

Health Care Resource Centers is here to help you along your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

meeting at a coffee shop with parents
Contact HCRC Today

If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to our treatment center. We are here to provide the support and care you need to take the first step toward recovery.

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