Why Counseling is Critical in Addiction Recovery
Substance use counseling promotes successful, long-lasting recovery. Evidence shows that the most effective approach to treating addiction is a combination of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and counseling. Millions of people suffering from substance use disorder have found their way back to a healthy life with this combination. Counseling with addiction treatment is a mainstay to ensure […]
Factors Affecting Methadone Metabolism
Everyone’s body processes methadone at a different rate. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) that involves methadone maintenance helps patients feel relief from opioid withdrawal symptoms. Managing these symptoms allows patients to utilize counseling and other resources to address their addiction from a psychological and emotional standpoint. However, some people considering methadone treatment worry about methadone detection in […]
Foods to Avoid During Opioid Use Disorder Treatment
Foods to Avoid While Taking Methadone Methadone interactions with common foods are sometimes overlooked. Opioid addiction recovery involves changing many aspects of your life, sometimes including eating habits. If you take methadone as part of a medication-assisted treatment program, pay special attention to what you eat and drink. Certain foods can cause interactions or side […]
Chronic Pain Treatment without Opioids
Prescription painkillers are no longer as accessible as they used to be. For those seeking pain treatment without opioids, alternative therapies are becoming essential. Chronic pain is a widespread issue in the United States. In 2021, an estimated 20.9% of U.S. adults struggled with chronic pain. That means approximately 51.6 million adults may seek out medical […]
How Drug Addiction Affects Relationships
Substance use disorder affects all areas of life, especially relationships. Learn how drug addiction affects all relationships. Addiction makes it difficult to maintain trust, respect and open communication – critical elements in a healthy relationship. When a person has a substance use disorder (SUD), their life can become largely focused on obtaining and using the […]
Quick Health Tips for a Happier Recovery Journey
The journey toward addiction recovery takes worthwhile dedication and hard work, and juggling physical and mental well-being can become challenging. With each passing day, patients learn to focus on their goals and aspirations while attending substance use treatment and group counseling to help them work through difficulties while finding support from their peers. There are […]
Opioid Use Among Athletes
As many know by now, a large percentage of people with opioid use disorder began their spiral into addiction after a legally prescribed bottle of opioid painkillers. Before opioid prescribing guidelines attempted to curb the number of opioid scripts handed out by doctors were introduced in 2016, millions of them were being written to patients […]
Battling Opioid Addiction in the Northeast
The Northeast is known for its seasonal climate. While many love the changing seasons, winter can be a challenging time for those battling opioid use disorder. Opioid overdoses tend to spike when the weather is colder and the days are shorter. With understanding, planning and treatment, you can be better prepared to cope with substance use disorder during the harsh […]
Everything You Need to Know About Suboxone® Treatment
Opioid use disorder is an ever-growing issue, the effects of which are widespread. Virtually no community or demographic has been spared of the consequences of prescription drug misuse, which is the primary cause of the opioid epidemic in the U.S. In 2017, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) National Survey on Drug Use and […]
Can I Get Fired for Going to Rehab?
If you’ve been struggling with opioid use disorder and are ready to begin recovery, it’s normal to wonder what impact treatment will have on your life. Treatments, even outpatient appointments, will mean time away from work. Many individuals often wonder if they’ll need to tell their employer about their opioid use disorder — or even […]